Health Working Group

The Declaration of Ministers of Health of the Brasilia Consensus, adopted in the city of Geneva in May 2024, declares the commitment to intensify joint work to strengthen cooperation and regional integration in health. Thus, the creation of the following Working Groups and leading countries was ratified:
Information Systems and Digital Health Group: leads Argentina.o Test implementation of the International Patient Summary in member countries.
o Inventory of digital transformation policies and regulations.
o Presentation of experiences in the use of new technologies and AI in the field of health.

Healthy Aging Group: leads Brazil.o Construction of a panel of health indicators for the elderly population.
o Training on topics related to the elderly population.
o Identification of available technologies for the care of the elderly.
o Exchange of technical material.
o International seminar on long-term care and healthy aging.
o Promotion of scientific production related to the management of data and health indicators for the elderly population.

Intercultural Health Group: leads Peru.o Review of intercultural health policies and regulations.
o Establishment of strategic alliances with entities related to the health and rights of indigenous and ethnic communities.
o Promotion of intercultural health research.
o Development of public policies that integrate traditional and western practices.
o Gathering of information on traditional health practices and ancestral knowledge.

Other networks and groups

South American Working Group for Integral Disaster Risk Management

Within the framework of the I South American Meeting of National Authorities on Disaster Risk Management, held in Lima on March 5, 2024, through the Declaration of Lima, it was agreed to create the "South American Working Group for Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management", with the following objectives:

i. Elaborate a Disaster Risk Map that includes all potential risks in the countries of the Subregion.
ii. Articulate the network of contacts of the governmental areas responsible for integral disaster risk management and humanitarian assistance in the countries of the Subregion, as well as that of the authorities responsible for CAPRADE and RMAGIR/MERCOSUR, which will be called the "South American Network for Integral Disaster Risk Management".
iii. Propose a model for an inventory of prevention and response capabilities so that countries that consider it appropriate and in accordance with their domestic regulations can make humanitarian assistance available to a State that requests it in the event of a disaster emergency;
iv. Initiate the establishment of a mechanism and protocol for the activation, using the existing ones, of a South American rapid response system based on the countries' capacities for comprehensive and coordinated disaster assistance.
v. Establish a framework of cooperation for the prevention and mitigation phases to generate joint initiatives to advance capacity building and resilience building, to reduce disaster risk and promote adaptation to climate change;
vi. To meet periodically in order to update the elements mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, at the call of the Brasilia Consensus Rotary Chair.

Network of social development practices in South America

The Network of Social Development Practices in South America is conceived as a collaborative mechanism to identify common priorities in social development, maintaining a coordinated approach to address shared challenges. Its function, beyond identifying priorities, also focuses on following up on successful initiatives, facilitating the exchange of best practices among South American nations. The Network was created in December 2023, under the leadership of Brazil's rotating presidency.

South American Education Network

The South American Education Network is the effort mandated at the I Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of the Brasilia Consensus, held on January 25, 2024, where the authorities highlighted the importance of highlighting the regional integration processes in education, as well as the need to promote policies that allow generating a greater space for cooperation. On that occasion, Chile presented to the countries of the region two proposals to initiate the discussion of the Network, specifically in the area of Rural Education and the invitation to articulate the network as a "South American Scientific and Academic Cooperation Space" (ECCAS).

Infrastructure and Transportation Network

The Infrastructure and Transportation Network is the effort to pave the way for the modernization of infrastructure and physical and digital connectivity in South America and to strategically monitor regional infrastructure projects that are of interest to all of South America and have the potential to strengthen regional integration.